Friday, January 25, 2013

Form As Plane


Well let's start of with this picture. It has no specific point and the lines are molded into to form this unique plane. I would say that this has a geometric shape for the way the scenes are boxed in, almost done with a mathematical precision.


This oblong shape has no precise calculation on lines or points so it can't be considered geometric. I rather say this forms an irregular plane as it has straight and curve lines but does not form them, this picture definitely forms a irregular plane.


These irregular shiny silhouettes make a nice form of a plane. They scream accidental as you could guess the sun shined on a weird chandelier or Mosaic structured windows, or were they strategically place there?


This example of a plane is very rectilinear due to the random amount of rectangles in the picture like the backing of the couch or the huge windows forward. The other random shapes makes it feel a little organic also.


What an odd way to form a plane but the corners and edges of this room pulls together, and draw your attention straight to the woman (can also be form of point) and her feet turning on the water. Love how realistic this is, I would like to think that this picture was definitely started off hand drawed.


A very curvy form it looks like the have of an apple and the reflection helps to form a plane. It has no definite shape so that leaves a pretty good estimate of being organic.


No clear establishment between the point of the iron cage in the center (form of point) or the walls appearing to cascading downward (form of line). This definitely leads into the geometric range of forming a plane, because this looks very much calculated. It also appears to be rectangles because the many shapes are rectangles in this piece.


With few perspectives in this picture one stand out the most and that is upward. This is a good form of plane because this could be irregular due to the bar on the side and the steps not really being mathematically equal.


I can't focus on anything right now, it seems there are random objects placed everywhere and there e is no definite focal point. This definitely have to be and organic type of plane due to the lines being curved or straight and suggesting growth. I wonder what could pop up next in the front of the objects in this picture.


The last of this project this picture is a form of a plane because of it's geometric outlay of what appears to be windows. They all look mathematically place and this was drawn from a certain perspective to make the lines look calculated.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Form As Line


Lead me forward ballet dancers as you overall form a line straight to the next window. This picture speak rhythmically to me as the next dancer is doing something different from the last.

Look a the rows are chairs forming a waving line. The thickness of the chairs do not change but once again overall this forms a line that has a character of it's on.


Loving the variation of thinness and thickness of these lines as they separate off into their own little swirls. Very artistic I might add, it reminds me of wind that has no direction and is free flowing.


This peaceful picture has form as line as extremities of the trees evoke the sense of a line being there. You can almost draw an imaginary line between the trees.


As each ray points to the south eastern corner they form a line that forces our eye to move along that path. I wonder where would this lines actually meet.


Amazingly enough this storm forms as a line as you can see the varied thin and thickness of the lightning bolts.  A fascinating fact about that is some of the discharge can form little balls of electricity, that legends say may chase you. A line transforming into a sphere right in front of your eye will definitely be a site to see.


It's phenomenal to see some of  natures designs by just a simple walk on the beach. I notice that the overall picture depicts a wavy line that seems to stretch on forever.


Lines come in all shapes and sizes, even in "model" size to be exact. It could be from the the overall picture as you see here, from the actually body of the line being a line, or the imaginary (a.k.a extremity of a line) which forces you to envision a line. 


All lines don't have to stay in one direction and follow a straight path. Some lines have a what I call a different personality and they form with varied thickness or thinness to another direction or form.


Lines can and will go any direction, sometimes they may have an ending and other times they won't. You will have lines with thickness and then you will have thin scrawny lines. Either  way the way to establish a line will be by the overall shape, the body of it, and the extremity or imaginary pull of the line.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Form As Point

The simplistic shape and small size makes this a nice relative example for the definition of form of point. This is non angular and has no direction yet still makes a point if you catch my drift. It is kind of cool how the person has given it a small frame and leaves curiosity to how big it really is.

Illuminated by what little light is reflected on , your attention can't help but to be drawn to the little spherical orb.

Not a circle but the little silhouette people do make a valid focal point. These irregular shapes draw a question of what could they be doing and why. Wouldn't you like to know who the doctor really is?


Vivid imagery that the beer would indeed prove to make a point as it's put right in your face. Love how it's drawn in amplified perspective and the whole picture seems to leap right out at you.


Does not take much to make a point, especially in this simplistic orb like form of destruction.
It looks like some kind of torture device and it is a clear example of form as a point. 


The exaggerated size of the size makes a point of impending danger to whoever decides to go any further. Your focal point is centered directly on the words as even the choice of red font leaves a uncomfortable imprint in your mind. As it says your welcomed, but would you really want to go to something that contradict itself? It warns you of a possibility never returning back with "unsafe" and then invites you, would you continue?


I really like how this off centered picture leaves you drawn to the  cut-off oval shape fingerprint. It has no real direction as the lines within the shape tend to have no real angles. Even though it is pushed to the right the direction of the finger seems to point towards the upper left.


This elegant button  serves as a very another simple example of a point. As you can see it's like my first picture in where it is small and non directional. This would be a nice door  design and the button most definitely must compliment whatever it is put on.


Magnificent view as it would appear that this person is hugging the sun. A neat optical illusion the focal point of the sun is beautiful indeed.


Last but definitely not least I give you as simple focal point of a headlight. The circular, small but relevant, and non directional light reflects whatever is around and shines just as brilliant in the dark.