Friday, April 19, 2013


Kind of hard to tell what is in the front or the back. This has a figure-ground reversal which basically mean the front can be the back and vice versa. The space tends to fluctuate between the two forms (foreground and background) and this creates an interesting optical movement. Quite interesting that he made the trees darker which pushes them out of the picture and makes them appear closer to us.

This spherical plane is constructed of regular linear patterns. Most of these are repetitive and some of them gradational. This would make the space illusory due to the change in the size of the lines and  curving and bending of the lines.

The letters slightly overlap each other which give a since of illusory space but these are not flat forms. This also has where some of the letters are uniformly textured planes, and  have a strong directional pull with the fonts or way they are turned.

The rock is darker at the bottom and lighter at the top which pulls it directly up to the front. Even the place it was position and the angle the picture was taken illuminates the space. This has a solid plane in which if this was black, white, or inverted colors the flat forms would still represent depth.

The petals overlap each other showing a depth and the shadows even give off a sense of space. The flower is also place right in front of the leaf as you can see. The leaf is high and therefore appears to be further behind the flower.

The lines are curving and the positive form is overlapping the negative space. The change in size also help us to realize where the depth or space really is.

This very science fiction looking creature is a good example of foreshortening. This means that what ever is in the front is enlarged and detailed and what is in the background fades out unto nothing. In this case though the hand is darker and is positioned further off center. Still emphasized it still can be considered foreshortening and it does show a range of space.

As the swirl spirals down the size get smaller and smaller showing space. This is very decorative and I would love to have the framed and sitting in my living room.

This sense of space illusory as the forms overlap each other and get smaller as they go down. The feathers are also gradationally colored or textured plane, as they give different effects of the spatial illusion by the orange tips.

The space is shown through vertical location. That basically mean the higher the form gets the further away it is assumed to be. Depth is show by the light and dark values of each tile and the volume is shown by the shift of weight (shifted angle of the tiles) between this asymmetrically balanced piece.

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